
Prinzregent Garten

1 byte removed, 12:03, 31 May 2010
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'''Prinzregent Garten is the only real beer garden in the Pasing area of Munich. It is located near the Westbad (public swimming pool) and has about 800 seats shaded by dense chestnut trees.'''
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The self-serviced canteen offers a traditional Bavarian meals and snacks, such as spare ribs, Krustenwammerl etc. A [[Maß ]] König Ludwig Dunkel costs €5.90. The only disadvantage of this beer garden is the close prximoty proxmity to the street. A public viewing screen is installed in the beer garden during major football tournaments when the weather is good. When the weather is bad, the viewing is available in the ball room ballroom of the restaurant building.
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