
Schlossallee Haag

121 bytes removed, 21:41, 23 January 2012
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'''The beer garden Schlossallee Haag is located near the river Amper, only a few kilometres north of Freising, about 45 kilometres from the centre of Munich. Schlossallee Haag is a popular excursion beer garden amongst bikers and families, especially on sunny weekends.'''
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The name Schlossallee (castle alley) refers to the huge, ancient chestnut trees, which once formed an alley leading up to the castle. Today, the castle no longer exists and the last remains of the former grand building were removed in 1998. Small ponds and rare, old plants on the adjoining premises next to the beer garden are reminders of the former castle garden. There is also an old brewhouse, built in 1784, where the legendary Jägerbräu beer was brewed on location for several centuries.
Tel: +49-(0)8167-350<br>
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